Author Guidelines
Dental Anthropology publishes original research articles, case studies, technical notes, commentaries, and book reviews as relevant to the membership of the Dental Anthropology Association. Editorials, opinion articles, and research questions are invited for the purpose of stimulating discussion and the transfer of information. Address correspondence to the Editor, Prof. Toby Hughes (e-mail: at the University of Adelaide.
Research Articles. The manuscript should be in a uniform style (a single font, with the same 10-12- point font size throughout) and should consist of seven sections in this order:
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Text
- Literature Cited
- Tables
- Figure Legends
- Figures (submitted as separate tiff or jpeg files)
The first four should be in a single document, tables and figure legends (5 and 6) should be a separate word document, and figures should be submitted separately. The manuscript should be double-spaced with 1 inch margins. All pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page. Be certain to include the full address of the corresponding author, including an e-mail address. All research articles are peer reviewed: the author may be asked to revise the paper to the satisfaction of the reviewers and the Editor. All communications appear in English.
Title Page. This page contains (a) title of the paper, (b) authors' names as they are to appear in publication, (c) full institutional affiliation of each author with corresponding author indicated, (d) number of manuscript pages (including text, references, tables, and figures), and (e) three to five keywords.
Abstract. The abstract does not contain subheadings (as is seen in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology), but should include succinct comments relating to these five areas: introduction, materials, methods, principal results, and conclusions. The abstract should not exceed 200 words. Use full sentences. The abstract has to stand alone without reference to the paper, avoid citations to the literature in the abstract.
Tables. Each table consists of (a) a table legend (at top) explaining as briefly as possible the contents of the table, (b) the table proper, and (c) and footnotes (at the bottom) needed to clarify contents of the table. Use as few horizontal lines as possible and do not use vertical lines in a table.
Figure Legends. For each figure, include a corresponding caption in the same file as the document with the tables. If there are no tables this can be a stand-alone document.
Figures. One file per figure must be provided with the manuscript in publication-ready format at high resolution (300 dpi or higher). Graphics should be of high quality in greyscale or color with strong contrast. File names should correspond to figure number (e.g., Figure_1, Figure_2, etc.). As we do not print the journal, all figures can be in full color.
Literature Cited. Dental Anthropology adheres strictly to the current citation format of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Refer to a current issue of the AJPA or to that association's website (AJPA) since the "current" style is periodically updated. Dental Anthropology adheres to the in-text citation style used by the AJPA consisting of the author's last name followed by the year of publication. References are enclosed in parentheses, separated by a semicolon, and there is a comma before the date. Examples are (Black, 2000; Black and White, 2001; White et al., 2002). The list of authors is truncated and the Latin abbreviation "et al." is substituted when there are three or more authors (Brown et al., 2000). However all authors of a reference are listed in the Literature Cited section at the end of the manuscript. The literature cited should be double spaced with no extra spaces between citations.
Electronic Submission. All manuscript files should be uploaded via the website. All manuscripts will undergo peer review after considered appropriate for the journal based on an initial editorial review.
Funding Sources. All funding sources must be acknowledged.
Ethical Guidelines. Authors must conform to the ethical guidelines of the journal.